
It has been a long while since I have posted anything here. I have been busy completing three years toward my B.A. in English and my senior year is underway. My current class (Creative Writing) has finally given me the space to take off the tight harness of academic writing rules, and it feels SO GOOD!! After reading my first assignment, Mom and Daddy gave it their thumbs up and suggested I make it a blog post, so here it is. It is my story and their story. It's a little longer than my usual posts, but as with everything I have ever posted here, I pray it encourages you to run "up the sunbeam to the sun" (C. S. Lewis). "Follow my example,  as I follow the example of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV I sat above them on the stairs. Looking down through the window-like openings in the partition between the living room and the stairway, I listened to the basketball players, football players, baseball players, wrestlers, track athletes, both the lettermen ...

Love in the Wild Wind . . . and Living Water

Hero Husband and I have something of a City Mouse-Country Mouse dynamic to our relationship and because of the difference in our backgrounds, we have learned to give each other room for our differing needs and preferences. Several years ago on a trip to Lake Tahoe, what my city boy most needed was quiet relaxation in the hotel, and what I desperately needed was mountain air and unhurried time with my camera. Selfless love enabled us each to give the other what they needed--I happily wished him a good time as he rested and relaxed in the hotel, and he gave me the freedom to go to the mountains for the day. I know he wasn't completely thrilled with the idea of me out traipsing around in the wilderness by myself, but he understood my deep need to replenish my reserves of serenity that can get so depleted by living in the city (well, the suburbs, but it feels like city by comparison to where I grew up).

I took my camera and left early, excited to explore some nearby trails and waterfalls I had read about. It was a heady feeling, knowing I had the whole day to do exactly as I pleased without wondering whether I was testing the limits of my sweet and supportive family with all my stops to take pictures. I didn't have to hurry, or consider anything whatsoever but where I wanted to go and whether I had gotten the shot I was after.

It just may have been a perfect day!

In the golden-warm morning sun, Mt. Tallac towered in majestic glory above the shadowed blue of Cascade Lake at its feet.

Over my other shoulder, Lake Tahoe stretched in the morning quiet, impossibly blue, dotted with white-caps, deep and cold, so like my beloved Okanagan Lake back home.


I could feel my spirit expanding with the sense of at-home-ness pouring into me as I took it all in.

Home. Him. He is here!

He was everywhere I looked!  I could smell Him in the pungent pine.  I could feel Him in the air that whispered of coming snow.

He was the light that turned the stone castle above me to glittering gold!

I climbed and climbed, up above the small Upper Eagle Falls on Eagle Creek until I stood at this spot, on a wide gunmetal table of granite.  Again I stopped to drink in the beauty in front of me, the sapphire water of Lake Tahoe far outdoing the answering blue of the sky.  All was quiet in that high country, mountain sort of way until a sudden gust of wind blew so hard at my back, for a moment I thought it just might pick me up and sweep me off the rock where I stood.  It was at once both terrifying and exhilarating but the thrill of it far outweighed my fear.  With my breath stolen by the wind, I stood firm, leaning into it to steady myself, smiling wildly, trusting the One of whom David said,

". . . He soared on the wings of the wind." Psalm 18:10b NIV

My heart soared too!  I turned to look above and behind and I saw the source of the invigorating wind that had begun to swirl around me--

--a squall brewing up behind that imposing, foreboding wall of worn rock.  Have you ever seen such a ROCK?!  My mind instantly thrust forward this beloved verse in the face of the enormous object lesson:

"From the ends of the earth I call to you,
   I call as my heart grows faint;
   lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

It was higher than I alright!! And He was higher than that.

Reluctantly I headed down toward where I had left my car, hoping I'd still have time for more exploring before the storm arrived in earnest. Lower Eagle Falls was my next destination, and I followed the signs at the trailhead down below the road. I soon found myself standing on a spot that in the spring would be white with rushing water.  I was standing literally on top of Eagle Falls!

I watched as the creek plunged headlong and carefree over the edge and could hear the water crashing and splashing to the rocks below. Him again!

"His voice was like the roar of rushing waters,
and the land was radiant with his glory."

It most certainly was!!  And His rushing-water-voice was music to my delighted ears!

The photographer in me wanted to lean over the edge to see where the water was rushing to and snap shutter after shutter to capture it, but the wife and momma in me wasn't willing to take quite that much of a risk, no matter how tempting the view.  Again I was reluctant to go, but I wanted to get a full view of the falls, so I moved on around to a different vantage point.

I looked back at the spot where I'd just stood longing to see over the edge. What a different perspective this was! In a stunning cascade, the tumbling creek veiled the rugged rocks in white foamy spray, leaving the stones glossy with clear, clean, life-giving water.  It was "living water" to me that day, filling me up as the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and ears, all my senses to God Almighty who had written His Name everywhere for me. He had written His most lavish love to me in every glorious, glistening, bright and beautiful sight and sound and sensation of my day in His Presence!

"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever! Amen."

The rain was beginning to fall and the clouds created an early twilight that told me it was time for the Country Mouse to return to civilization.  I went with a deep sigh, but full to the brim with what I'd come for . . . Him!  I returned to my life feeling anew how big and wild and awesome and free His heart of love really is!

In the city or in the country,
in dire straits or in times of plenty,
in blue sky or with grey clouds,
His glory calls out His wild and overwhelming love!

Where do you go when you need to connect with God?

Creation is as beautiful as my perfect day, and as dangerous as the earthquake and tsunami in Japan this week. We hurt for those affected by these cataclysmic events and want people to know that God deeply cares about them. World Vision is one organization in a position to do great good there in His name--would you like to help?

Joining Ann Voskamp for her Multitude Monday
I hope you'll join in if you haven't already!
In the counting of the endless gifts I say with C. S. Lewis,
"This also is Thou!"


356. Red-winged blackbirds
357. Fresh oranges off our tree
358. Listening over the internet to Riley's basketball game in the state tournament from a state away
359. A double overtime win and cheering in the middle of Starbuck's where I was listening!
360. The funny looks I got and explaining what I had to cheer about!
361. Finding my needle in the haystack!
362. Deep questions from a dear friend
363. Having an answer when asked about the hope within me
364. Sustained progress on my BIG project
365. For terra firma under my feet . . . today and every day it stays that way
366. The heaviness of heart that compels fervent prayer for the dear people of Japan, and a desire to reach out with some small bit of help in the face of such suffering.
367. Sweet Paula, at our insurance office, who is the "spoonful of sugar" that helps the awful medicine go down 
368. The jukebox inside my computer
369. Warm sun and cool air
370. That the loss of one hour on the clock makes me appreciate each hour I'm given

Joining L.L. Barkat for:
 On In Around button

Joining Michelle DeRusha for:

A heartfelt thank you to these generous bloggers who make these communities available!

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