
It has been a long while since I have posted anything here. I have been busy completing three years toward my B.A. in English and my senior year is underway. My current class (Creative Writing) has finally given me the space to take off the tight harness of academic writing rules, and it feels SO GOOD!! After reading my first assignment, Mom and Daddy gave it their thumbs up and suggested I make it a blog post, so here it is. It is my story and their story. It's a little longer than my usual posts, but as with everything I have ever posted here, I pray it encourages you to run "up the sunbeam to the sun" (C. S. Lewis). "Follow my example,  as I follow the example of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV I sat above them on the stairs. Looking down through the window-like openings in the partition between the living room and the stairway, I listened to the basketball players, football players, baseball players, wrestlers, track athletes, both the lettermen ...

No Eye Has Seen

Someday I will have read everything ever written by C. S. Lewis.  I am woefully behind on the way to achieving this goal, despite owning a whole shelf full of his books, but it's a work in progress.  However, maybe knowing this will help you understand why my interest was especially sparked by something our pastor shared yesterday.

In a sermon about integrity, focused particularly on marriage, he referred to an idea taught by C. S. Lewis that if we could see now what glorious beings believers will become in heaven, we might be tempted to worship them.

With this idea in view, the pastor encouraged us to appreciate the privilege we have of watching, up close, the becoming of our spouses and children. He further encouraged us to be filled with grace toward them as we keep in mind that they are works in progress on the way to future glories unimagined.

"However, as it is written:
   'No eye has seen,
   no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
   what God has prepared for those who love him'—"

I always assumed this verse was referring only to the wonders of heaven.

But what if it also speaks of us?

What if this never before seen, never heard, never conceived amazing-ness God has prepared is also the shining, transcendent glory of His beloved people, finally, fully transformed?

If we knew nothing of the coming butterfly, a caterpillar would just be a fancy worm.  Because we know the glorious creature a caterpillar becomes, we treat them with care, watch them with fascination and protect them from harm.  I want to increasingly treat people (even the person in the mirror) like caterpillars because of the butterflies I know they are becoming.

We who have the joy and promise that come with believing in the Name of Jesus, have this future glory ahead of us to give us hope for our everyday.  May those who don't know Him yet see something in us that hints at what we are becoming and be drawn to Him in us.
As you think about the future transformation believers are promised, how might it affect your relationships . . . in your family . . . in your church . . . in the world? 

Joining Ann Voskamp in counting His graces for her Multitudes on Monday
I hope you'll join in if you haven't already!
In the counting of the endless gifts I say with C. S. Lewis,
"This also is Thou!"

Starting my next 1000 Gifts, joining Ann in The Joy Dare--like a scavenger hunt for graces, gifts and glory!! Wanna come along?  I dare ya!!

1 . 3 things about yourself you are grateful for--
      Being an occasional "silly heart"
      The mind God has given me
       The way I feel hard-wired to notice beauty
2. a gift outside--Scrunchy leaves
    a gift inside--My computer where I can do so many wonderful things
    a gift on a plate--Tacos made with love by Hero Husband
3. 3 lines you overheard that were graces--
      "I love you Sissy."
     "I love you too Brother."
     "You've got what it takes!"
4. one gift old--Great Grandma Fagen's pendant watch, it's steady tick-tock song
    one gift new--Exercise equipment to help me reach my goals
    one gift blue--New jeans!
5. something you’re reading--The Opposite of Art by Athol Dickson
    something  you’re making --A commitment to challenge myself
    something you’re seeing--Possibilities!
6. one thing in your bag--Books to read
    one thing in your fridge--Plenty
    one thing in your heart--Eagerness
7. 3 graces from people you love--
     When Hero Husband calls to tell me he's read my blog and is excited to discuss my ideas with me!
     Drummer Boy handing the reins to God and God handing Him the job he thought he had no chance to get!!
     She So Sweet thinking outside the box and the way she inspires me with her competitive toughness
8. light that caught you --the gloss and satin-ribbon shine of whipped honey on my English muffin
    a reflection that surprised you--me, riding up the escalator, coming face to face with my reflection and not being (overly) critical of it
    a shadow that fell lovely--a bright red leaf on grey cobblestones, casting a long shadow in the early light

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