
It has been a long while since I have posted anything here. I have been busy completing three years toward my B.A. in English and my senior year is underway. My current class (Creative Writing) has finally given me the space to take off the tight harness of academic writing rules, and it feels SO GOOD!! After reading my first assignment, Mom and Daddy gave it their thumbs up and suggested I make it a blog post, so here it is. It is my story and their story. It's a little longer than my usual posts, but as with everything I have ever posted here, I pray it encourages you to run "up the sunbeam to the sun" (C. S. Lewis). "Follow my example,  as I follow the example of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV I sat above them on the stairs. Looking down through the window-like openings in the partition between the living room and the stairway, I listened to the basketball players, football players, baseball players, wrestlers, track athletes, both the lettermen ...

Through A Knothole . . . Darkly

It doesn't always feel like this.

Sometimes the thoughts and words and pictures bubble to the surface so plentifully that I can hardly tap out the keys and snap the shutter fast enough to keep up.

But at the moment, my mind is a blank, a blur, unfocused, unsure. If I want to be any kind of professional at this writing life, how can I withstand and overcome this dryness in my creativity. What am I missing? Why am I so empty of ideas?

My heart and life are not empty.

I am filled with the goodness of God, the blessing of my precious family, a life that is rich with beauty and provision despite an extended period of economic uncertainty both for our family and the world.


Minutes after I wrote those few grasping words, writing about not being able to write, my computer blue-screened to match the blue-screen in my mind. For the last two days I have tried everything I can think of to rescue my computer, but it appears to be down for the count.

Now, stuck both mentally and electronically, separated from my pictures and all the tools I use to organize my thoughts and ideas and all the little bloggy stuff I do for each post, I find myself at loose ends, longing for the chance to get back in the game. Would I have anything to say if I WAS in the game? Or would I be frustrated and avoiding the discomfort of facing a blank screen with a blank mind? I don't know what words would come if I had my computer back, but I do know that


even if it comes hard and haltingly. I WANT TO!! And I WILL.

Only after prayer and careful consideration, the new computer is ordered and with that investment comes the responsibility to make Hero Husband's sacrificial generosity worthwhile.  I am thankful, and humbled . . . hopeful and prayerful. I can't see very far ahead, kind of like trying to see through a knothole from a few feet away. My vision is limited and obscured by angle and shadow, but I know that something good is on the other side of the fence.

Dear one, I hope you're not in a dry spell like I am, but if you are, I pray that you would join me in putting your hope in the LORD, the LORD who made you, the LORD who knows exactly why you write and what His plans for you are going to look like when they come to full fruition!

Wait for Him with all you've got, and WRITE anyway!! 

"I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, 
   and in his word I put my hope." Psalm 130:5 NIV

P.S.  Not sure when I'll have my next post up for you--waiting on that new computer and praying that the transition goes smoothly!  Just don't give up on me--I'll post again as soon as I can!!

What are your favorite ways to get out of a writing slump?

Joining Ann Voskamp in counting His graces for her Multitudes on Monday
I hope you'll join in if you haven't already!
In the counting of the endless gifts I say with C. S. Lewis,
"This also is Thou!"

611. The musical sound of She So Sweet's laughter
612. Twilight Zone marathon!
613. FREEDOM!!
614. 4th of July BBQ as only Hero Husband can do it!
615. Fireworks and the "rockets red glare" they commemorate
616. Cinnamon toast
617. Being excited for Drummer Boy and his trip to Canada
618. Surviving the awkwardness!
619. $3 Freddo Friday at Peet's! Dark Chocolate!!
620. A dent made in the laundry
621. Soothing hot tub on a cool night
622. Spicy, crunchy dill pickles
623. Hero Husband and his inspiring, encouraging words
624. The comedy of errors that turned into a fun day together
625. Praying together as a family, even if I do get tongue-tied

Joining L.L. Barkat for:
On In Around button

and joining Jen and her Sisterhood:

A heartfelt thank you to these generous bloggers
who make these communities available!

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